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Never have time? Just another Pandemic Monday

Feel like you're always rushing? Never have enough time?

A recent study has revealed the stresses created during the Covid-19 pandemic could have altered our perception of time.

The pandemic-related stresses such as the constant COVID-19 media exposure, school closures, lockdowns and financial difficulties appears to have left many of us with a distorted perception of time. Which has transferred into habits that result in poor time-management.

In prior work, these time distortions have been associated with persistent negative mental outcomes such as depression and anxiety according to a study by University of California, Irvine researchers.

Continuity between past experiences, present life and future hopes is critical to one's well-being, and disruption of that synergy presents real mental health challenges, noted the researchers.

So what’s the answer? 

The truth is you do have the time. Set your daily and routine around habits such as a set time to exercise. 

Easy meal preparation systems that create more time. Also eating regular meals at set times with others is proven to promote stronger family  relationships and better mental health.


Distortions in time perception during collective trauma: Insights from a national longitudinal study during the COVID-19 pandemic.. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 2022.

FOLLOW Dr Paul Cribb PhD.



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